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*Next round of classes starting Spring 2023*

This certificate program will provide you the skills and knowledge to advocate for victims of harassment. Program includes work place harassment, examples of harassment, and more!.

This certificate program will provide you the skills and knowledge to advocate for a victim of stalking. This program contains information on identifying stalking, how to help a victim respond to stalking, and more!

Sexual Extortion Legal Advocate Certificate

This certificate program will provide you the skills and knowledge to advocate for a victim of sexual extortion. This program contains information on identifying extortion, the difference between extortion and exploitation, how to spot this crime, and more!

Video Voyeurirsm Legal Advocate Certificate 

This certificate program will provide you the skills and knowledge to advocate for a victim of vvoyeurism. This program contains information on identifying voyeurism how to help a victim respond , and more!

 Harassment Legal Advocate Certificate

Stalking Legal Advocate Certificate

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